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Enchanted Portugal (Portugal Encantado)

Enchanted Portugal (Portugal Encantado)

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Enchanted Portugal (Portugal Encantado)

Enchanted Portugal is a book about places that have their own magic and charm. Remote places that are less familiar to the general public, which possess a mystique and a rapport allowing visitors to appropriate them and take them home in their memory. Places with specific and distinct characteristics, carved by nature or by man, filled with history and customs that have remained untouched by the passage of time and by modernisation, like authentic museums and chapels that astonish those who venture to seek them out.

Portugal Encantado é um livro sobre locais que têm magia e encanto próprios. Foram escolhidos locais mais remotos e, talvez, menos conhecidos do público em geral que apresentam uma mística própria, permitindo que quem os visite os torne seus e os leve na memória. São locais distintos, talhados pela Natureza ou pelo Homem, repletos de história e costumes que permanecem incólumes ao passar do tempo e à modernização como autênticos museus prontos a deslumbrar quem se aventura a procurá-los.

Portugal Encantado es un libro sobre locales que tienen magia y encanto propios. Fueron escogidos locales más remotos y, tal vez, menos conocidos por el público en general que presentan una mística propia, permitiendo que quien lo visita los haga suyos y los lleve en la memoria. Son locales distintos, tallados por la naturaleza o por el hombre, repletos de historia y costumbres que permanecen incólumes al paso del tiempo y a la modernización como auténticos museos listos para deslumbrar a quien se aventure a buscarlos.

Le Portugal Enchanté est un livre sur des endroits qui possèdent une magie et un charme singuliers. Des lieux plus éloignés et, peut-être, moins connus du grand public ont été choisis, des endroits qui présentent une mystique particulière, permettant aux visiteurs de se les approprier et de les emporter avec soi. Ce sont des endroits spéciaux, sculptés par la Nature ou par l’Homme, chargés d’histoire et de traditions qui restent indemnes au passage du temps et à la modernisation comme d’authentiques musées qui éblouissent qui les recherche.


  • Author: Pedro Rodrigues
    • ISBN:9789898256966
      • 144 pages
        • 33 x 24.6 x 1.6cm
          • Hardback
            • 500 grams
              • Languages: English, Portuguese, French, Spanish
                • Publisher: Objecto Anonimo



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                  Meet the Maker

                  Our collection of books is from Portugal-based publisher Objecto Anonimo. Their aim is to promote Portugal through travel guides and picture books about Porto, Lisbon, and Douro.

                  Popular titles include coffee table books, travel guides around key locations in Portugal, and recipe books for foodie enthusiasts. Also available are children's books for bilingual speakers.

                  Most books are available in other languages including English, Portuguese, French, German and Spanish. Where this is available select your preferred language edition.

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